Wednesday, September 23, 2015

We can begin to change our way of praying.

Prayer is neither black magic nor is it a form of demand note. Prayer is a relationship.
--John Heuss

A conversation requires two parts: talking and listening. When only we are talking, that is a monologue. When someone lectures, we listen. Prayer can be a form of conversation, yet if we examine the way we pray we may find it's a monologue.

We pray to ask for answers or guidance, to express our gratitude, and to bless those we care for. It's wonderful to open up a channel to our Higher Power by beginning the conversation, but unless we allow time to listen we will never really develop a dialogue.

We can begin to change our way of praying. We can limit our requests so we are not listing a series of wishes or demands. We can ask for patience to listen and then allow a few moments to listen. The answers will come to us and our guidance will be given when we are truly ready to receive them. An equal balance of talking and listening will help strengthen our relationship with our Higher Power.

I will pray and then listen, to allow my Higher Power some time to communicate with me.
You are reading from the book:

Want You-Yours-Friends on My:
email list too!! Send your email to me..


Coming Soon to You & Yours!
Buy Books as I Write them and 
Direct to help My Societies, Church etc!!!

have Clients in Canada & the U.S.A.

Get Google Chrome and gmail Free 

Google Talk Voice and Video Hangouts-

How to Do An Awesome Google Hangout on Air-

Talk, Video Chat, Text to your contacts quickly and easily using Google Talk Voice and Video Hangouts
Added on 24/04/2013

When I call you might see this number 
- you can call me at:

 MajicJack  when my Computer is on
-$50 a yr. instead of $60 a month from the phone companies
bought at the Futureshop

 and $10 for Canadian Phone number
with a 604--exchange for local calls (does trace calls and has a time limit)
 for incoming phone number. 
I will get rid of my landline phone.
Trying to downsize on my bills.
MajicJack has a time limit
Google Hangouts and Email is Free
for out going calls only!
Unlimited Anytime-minutes Canada & the U.S.A.
 with High Speed Internet
Email me or Call & I will Call you Back 24/7
You come 1st

Ny-9-11CanadianAngel - Author/Motovational Speaker
Everett-Nagai - Artist
Care/Carolyn Everett-McRae 
-The Difference between Dreams & Reality is
Just Doing it- There is no such word as "NO"- just When!!!

They Call Me News Papers & CNN:
& Care/Carolyn Everett-McRae

Writer, Artist & Student of Robert Batman etc!!  
Adhd,LD, Indigo,Survior,Dreamer.LOL etc.

Dream To help 12 Step Teen : Kids 12StepChurch4Teens @12Steps4Teens 
GodNotGuilt!4U&Urs LifeCoach,Counselor (on-Line)
-Would like to have a Soulmate to share the Dream...LOL 

Net/PH 604-229-2194-

Preview Image
$49.98-1/2 Hr Session for Counseling/Life Coaching-GoogleHangOuts or Phone

     My Books &Societies are Dedicated:
To my Brother James   (holding his bear-I'm the Oldest)
 27yrs. old Gentle Artist Who Was Gay
 Jehovah Witness= They Shamed Him!!!!
James Committed Suicide!!!
Robin Williams - "Seize the Day" 

I have a Dream two Heal ALL Families-fun- laughter-singing-dance-Joy-SharingIsCaring-Forgiveness 4self-U-70x7=Unconditional Love!!!
I feel Religion Sells Guilt!  YouStartCoda/AcoaMeetings=2People=GodsThere=BillW 
=Defrag Our Computer Headtalk..

Dreaming to start>Teen Earthships for Healing Centers, Communities and Churches,sponsored by Casinos etc.?


Coming Soon to You & Yours!
Buy Books as I Write them and 
Direct to help My Societies, Church etc!!!

This is Series of:
 Self Improvement, Spirituality,
Fun Work Books from a Cats Viewpoint for Teen Readers
 Tyrome Powers Ny 9-11 Pet Therapist
 eBooks - for Sale A % of Monies going to My Society &
to Start Healing Programs and 
for Teens & You and YOUR'S 
Buy eBook by Emailing me 

Print it out or watch inWord or to Pads
I will send a Copy for $19.98 US. 
On Special $9.98 US.Funds Only
sent by  Web Banking in Canada
 Paypal  Service Charges included 3% 

Tyrone Powers Ny 9-11 Pet Therapist, 
A Siamese Cat's Journey 
On Special $9.98 US.
Preview Image

Sandy Claw's NY 9-11 Pet Therapist

My Mission

I'm Counselor Addiction-Pet-ArtTherapist-Hypnosis-12StepTeenAngels
ebooks for sale Self Help Work books for Teens: 
Email me 1st -Call me for Online Counseling 
 use Googlehangouts
call Free=up to 10 for a group meet - a good thing!! 


Preview Image
$49.98-1/2 Hr Session for Counseling/Life Coaching-GoogleHangOuts or Phone
  On Line Life Coaching &
 Counseling for You & Yours 
Private & Anonymous  
Phone or on Line Counseling
Art Therapy & Hypnosis

for Post Traumatic Therapy etc. 

We offer hope and valuable resources to those seeking information about  Addictions.  Addiction is compulsive disorders and as an organization, we are specifically dedicated to helping people who suffer from  Addictive Behaviors.

Please-cut and paste
Email this Letter back with the Following Information 
Attached to Carolyn
 Sign up for Online Counseling:

First Name:______________________________________________
Last Name:_______________________________________________
Phone numbers
ZIP/Postal Code:___________________________________________
Questions or comments:______________________________________
google other search engine  Other:________________________________
The name of the friend or consultant that referred me to this website is:
Past Family History & Your B irth Order- __________________________________________________________





Where do you See Yourself:
Six Months___________________________________________________

One Year______________________________________________________


Five Years___________________________________________________________________




What Do You Feel You need for Counseling today?________________________


Draw Stick figures of  You in Family-


A Guide for You & Your's Spiritual Journey of Life
 Live for Now! Life After Death?
Hello, They call me "The NY 9/11 Canadian Angel" the Counselor that was on CNN & in the News Papers at the Twin Towers. With help of the Guiding Angels, Higher Power & your family from The Other Side Guiding, Your Spiritual Journey. A Native Cree Shaman Adopted me & called me a Shaman-A Healer. He said I was going to be used by the Great Spirit. Allow me to be a Spiritual Guide for You & Your's I am here to Guide You & Your's Spiritual Journey through Lifes Rocky Road of Challenges The Higher Power & Angelic Guides->give me insight about you & your's-That Only You Know->Secrets! Using my gifts of clairvoyance, channeling, I hear & feel the Angels & your Past Family Members are there to help you with you daily Struggles- they want to Guide you & send you Messages of Hope & Love! Lack of Balance along with Living Outside Ourselves & Giving up Ourselves to:People, Places & things = "Lack of Self" With help, You will find Your Own Personal Guides who will teach you to Trust Yourself & your Own Gut/God Feelings & find Balance in Your Life. Being out of Balance with the Universe Kills Us & the Ones We Love, Along with All Your Hopes & Dreams. Let the Spiritual Journey begin with Me & The. I will only tell you what I am getting from the Guides and Angels... THE HONEST TRUTH. The truth is sometimes not a easy thing to hear or deal with. But for your highest good, it may be what you need! Free Will is free will and can change the outcome of the situation. Nothing is set in stone.

AAA 12 Step Caring Counselling Clinical Society
We need board members for Tax Deduction purposes.
AAA 12Step C.C.C. Society 12 Step Caring Counselling Clinical Society

We offer hope and valuable resources to those seeking information about  Addictions.  Addiction is compulsive disorders and as an organization, we are specifically dedicated to helping people who suffer from  Addictive Behaviors.
As in any treatment program, the primary step to take in the path to recovery is to accept and not refute “denial,” a defense mechanism that addicts frequently employ and that effectively stops them from accepting treatment. Once this obstacle is conquered, treatment can be performed more effectively than it would otherwise. It is important to understand that any Addiction is a progressive illness that is treatable.
The disorder affects the addict, their family, their employer, and their community.

 A Counselor Mrs. Joan Bund
 on My Board need more Members...

I was here- I called this "The Cathedral from Hell"
Pete put this on RV !!
Adopted by Mafia and the Street People, etc..
I was Soooooooooo Safe!!Did not Know!!- My Books!!
God And the Good Samaritan."Samaritans in turn hated the Jews"
Fulton Fish Market is a fish market in the New York  location near the Brooklyn Bridge along the East River waterfront at 
was associated with one or more New York Mafia families


Inline image

12 Step Church 4 Teens &U "God/Higherpower Not Guilt"

LifeCoach4TeensAndU .Everett-McRae

Nov 2001 9-11 Ground Zero
I was here- I called this "The Cathedral from Hell"
Pete put this on RV !!
Adopted by Mafia and the Street People, etc..
I was Soooooooooo Safe!!Did not Know!!- My Books!!
God And the Good Samaritan."Samaritans in turn hated the Jews"
Fulton Fish Market is a fish market in the New York  location near the Brooklyn Bridge along the East River waterfront at 
was associated with one or more New York Mafia families

Ny 9/11 Tyrone Powers in Front St. Paul's Church

He was a Counselor  at Ny Ground Zero--Passed

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  • How to Make Ink
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Letter to Ellen Degeneres I Sent Never got an answer!!


Dear Ellen,

They Call Me:
& Carolyn Everett-McRae

Writer, Artist & Student of Robert Batman
etc!!  Adhd,LD, Indigo,Survior,Dreamer.LOL etc.

To help 12 Step Teen : Kids 12StepChurch4Teens @12Steps4Teens 
GodNotGuilt!4U&Urs LifeCoach,Counselor-Addiction/Pet&ArtTherapist,Hypnosis,12StepTeenAngels,
Net/PH 604-229-2194-

  Canada/USA&U! LIKE ME!!!

They call me “Ny 9-11 Canadian Angel” that was on CNN and in the the New Papers-
Trying to get back home to Van. BC-
Lost my Life's  savings here trying to Start healing Centers!!
Will explain- Sad. But OK!!
Ask my References or Me!!
that is another Book!! Movie!!
Just -Give it to God!!!
It is His/Her's $$$$ not mine!
To help other.
Starting Over Again etc.
Help my Society with The Dream of Hope!! 
“The only Difference between a Dream and Reality is Just Doing It!!” 

I am Starting this in Honor of my Brother James 
Who Committed Suicide Because 
He was a 27yr old Gay JW- Not Good!

This is a Spiritual Program using the 
AA 12Step Program as it Guide
- to a Happier Balanced Life. 
- AAA 12Step Caring Counselling Clinical Society-Give back & God gives to YOU..
I was the Ny 9/11 Canadian Angel @ Ground Zero-
My Dream is to start 12Step Churches - God Not Guilt and 
12Step Teen Angels- Addiction affects the whole family -
Heal the families of America and the World and you Heal the System.
Stop the Killing of our Children and Friends!!:
-         Need Professional Script Writer etc. to help!!
-         Budget-Feature Film Synopsis- My True Story/Script-intro/Book to follow.

eBook- Tyrome Powers-Ny9-11PetTherapist    
Self Improvement, Spirituality for You & YOURS Teen Readers-
Help my Society with The Dream of Hope!!
 Brand these two: "Ny 9-11 Canadian Angel" & Tyrome Powers "Ny 9-11Pet Therapist.
With a Brand I can get Royalties for: Books, Movies/Film, Products- clothes, stuffed animals, etc.
Need a 2001 Motorhome 40' -4 slider -gas & 30'car&apt for Siamese Cats to go to Las Vegas for Sponsors and join George Takis in La,Ca.with the same dream.
To help Gay's etc. like my Brother James.

Using the Arts,Music Writing -Pets,-fun,  singing, dance, Joy,sharing is caring
- Forgiveness for self and others- 70x7...more..
Unconditional Love for our New found Spiritual Family...
I feel for me, religion sells Guilt & 
What we need is Unconditional Love Through Spirituality
-each one has their own Spiritual Journey with our own God/Higher Power of our Understanding!!
The Difference between a Dream & Reality is 
"Just Doing It" with a 
"12 Step Church"..
Start your own in your area- all it takes is the Coda/Acoa meeting outlines
-an Only Two People & God is there- Fun Upbeat gospel music with only God in it..
I do myself believe in Jesus Christ 
- but Bill W in his wisdom- was helping people who did not believe in God 
-but like me still need help on a daily bases to defrag our computer/headtalk.
That is a Good thing!! 

Yours truly, Care/Carolyn)))))00((((Hugs)))))

Are You My Soulmate? 
To share The Dream with Me!!
On His Own Spiritual Jouney,too!!
A Mechanic Like my Dad would be a Bonus...LOL