Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trump wants to Destroy the - First Amendment =freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech = Impeachment

Trump's wants to Destroy the  - First Amendment =freedom of assemblyfreedom of the pressfreedom of religionand freedom of speech = Impeachment

Harry S Truman  The weapon of the dictator is not so much propaganda as censorship.

Daniel Webster

``In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism or religion or both to deceive and overawe the people.``

“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks.”
“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars…Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”

“[CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, ‘How do you propose we the media work with you?’ Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked ‘How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting.”

Article II of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that "The PresidentVice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, TreasonBribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Image result for freedom of the press, ny times

First Amendment

Image result for Trump's wants to Destroy the  - First Amendment =freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.

The first article of the Bill of RightsIt forbids Congress from tampering withthe freedoms of religion, speech, assembly, and the press.

First Amendment definition

An amendment to the United States Constitution guaranteeing the rights offree expression and action that are fundamental to democratic government.These rights include freedom of assemblyfreedom of the pressfreedom of religionand freedom of speechThe government is empowered, however,to restrict these freedoms if expression threatens to be destructive.Argument over the extent of First Amendment freedoms has often reachedthe Supreme Court. ( See clear and present dangerlibeland obscenity.)
The right to circulate opinions in print without censorship by thegovernment. Americans enjoy freedom of the press under the First Amendment to the Constitution.


Trump THREATENS Press In Closed-Door Meeting; Here Are The Terrifying Things He 


In something that could’ve been scripted by George Orwell, President-elect Donald Trump just has pretty much every major media personality and/or outlet over to Trump Tower for a closed-door meeting.
The NY Post stated:
“The hour-long session included top execs from network and cable news channels. Among the attendees were NBC’s Deborah Turness, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd, ABC’s James Goldston, George Stephanopoulos, David Muir and Martha Raddatz,
Also, CBS’ Norah O’Donnell John Dickerson, Charlie Rose, Christopher Isham and King, Fox News’ Bill Shine, Jack Abernethy, Jay Wallace, Suzanne Scott, MSNBC’s Phil Griffin and CNN’s Jeff Zucker and Erin Burnett.”
Before the meeting, everyone was speculating as to what was going on. Why is Trump colluding with the media? Is he trying to control the conversation and form some sort of state sponsored media?
Well, speculate no further. Trump called everyone to his tower to scold them like the Henry the 8th he is very much turning out to be.
According to one source who confided in the NY Post:
“It was like a f–ing firing squad…Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed.”
“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down.”
It was basically Trump throwing a hissy fit and talking down to everyone in the media to tell them how very awful they are to him. Even though they were pretty soft on him throughout the course of his campaign, often given him an open forum and hours of free airtime to tout his craziness.
Another source said:
“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks.”
“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars…Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”
Some of the media did try to get a word in edgewise, but it was pretty much all for naught. Trump was there to scold and not get a lesson from the media in freedom of the press and speech.
NY Post reported a source saying:
“[CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, ‘How do you propose we the media work with you?’ Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked ‘How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting.”
According to Kellyanne Conway, however, it all went really well. Yet, it’s hard to believe a word that comes out of the Trump camp, because they will say only what they want people to hear, and most of the time there’s barely a sliver of the truth involved.
No word as to who the source is that spoke to the NY Post.
It’s pretty clear Trump wants to control the narrative of the press, why else would he have so many big news names over to his
palace tower? He wanted to scold them and likely tell them how they should be operating, and we should all be very, very mortified that he even had them over in the first place.
After all, if you control the press, you control what the people hear. If you control what the people hear, you can tell them anything you want, even if it’s not in their best interests. It’s horrifying, to say the least, absolutely Hitler-esque, if we’re going to be honest.
The press need to be counted on to hold Trump accountable for everything that he says or does, and if they don’t someone needs to hold the press accountable as well. This is a scary time we’re entering into and hopefully the Constitution will not be shredded and honesty with accountability will prevail.

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Boycott 32 PRO- Trump retailers
call + tweet these committee members!
Wow! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!! 5 million strong and counting!
Did you know that there is still a way to elect Hillary Clinton to the White House?Lisa Pinsky started this petition with a single signature, and now has 324 supporters. Start a petition today to change something you care about.
#4-PETITON =Demand an Audit of the 2016 Presidential Election
call + tweet these committee members!
An anti-Trump movement is calling for the boycott of these 32 retailers
Eric Holder: Abolish the Electoral College | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Under the U.S. Constitution they are obligated to vote only for a candidate who is fit for office. To this end, each elector may vote as a "faithless elector".
The faithless elector option was included by the founding fathers as a safeguard against the situation we now find ourselves in - when a highly unfit person is about to become our President. In fact, Alexander Hamilton said, "the office of president will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.”
We The People must now urge our electors to exercise the "faithless elector" option. Our electors MUST now speak for us. It is their duty to prevent a man "who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications" from taking the office of President of the United States.
The 2016 election is not final until the electors of the Electoral College meet (in their respective state capitals) and vote on December 19, 2016.
Furthermore, The People have spoken; Hillary Clinton has won the popular vote.
Our electors MUST vote for Hillary Clinton on December 19, 2016.
This petition will be delivered to:
Amy Bunk, Director of Legal Affairs and Policy; Miriam Vincent, Staff
Moore said:Day Two’s To-Do List: Abolish the Electoral College!!!!
1. Must quickly and decisively form an opposition movement, the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the 1960s. I will do my part to help lead this as I’m sure many others (Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, MoveOn, the hip-hop community, DFA, etc.) will, too. The core of this opposition force will be fueled by young people who, as with Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter, don’t tolerate b.s. and are relentless in their resistance to authority. They have no interest in compromising with racists and misogynists.
2. Prepare to impeach Trump. Just as the Republicans were already planning to do with President Hillary from Day One, we must organize the apparatus that will bring charges against him when he violates his oath and breaks the law — and then we must remove him from office.
3. Must commit right now to a vigorous fight (including civil disobedience, if necessary) which will block any and all Donald Trump Supreme Court nominees who do not meet our approval. We demand the Democrats in the Senate aggressively filibuster any nominees who support Citizens United or who oppose the rights of women, immigrants and the poor. This is non-negotiable.
4. Demand the DNC apologize to Bernie Sanders for trying to fix the primaries against him, for spinning the press to ignore his historic campaign, for giving Clinton the questions in advance at the Flint debate, for its latent ageism and anti-Semism in trying to turn voters against him because of his age or religious beliefs, and for its anti-democracy system of “superdelegates” who are elected by no one. We all know now had Bernie been given a fair shot, he probably would have been the nominee and he — as the true outsider and “change” candidate –would have inspired and fired up the base and soundly defeated Donald Trump. If no apology is soon forthcoming from the DNC, that’s ok — when we take over the Democratic Party (see yesterday’s To-Do List, #1), we will issue the apology in person.
5. Demand that President Obama establish a Special Prosecutor to investigate who and what was behind FBI Director James Comey’s illegal interference into the Presidential election 11 days before the vote was held.
6. Begin a national push while it’s fresh in everyone’s mind for a constitutional amendment to fix our broken electoral system: 1. Eliminate the Electoral College — popular vote only. 2. Paper ballots only — no electronic voting. 3. Election Day must be made a holiday for all — or held on a weekend so more people vote. 4. All citizens, regardless of any run-ins with the criminal “justice” system, must have the right to vote. (In swing states like Florida and Virginia, 30-40% of all Black men are prohibited by law from voting.)
7. Convince President Obama to immediately do what he should have done a year ago: Send in the Army Corps of Engineers to Flint to dig up and replace all the poisoned pipes. NOTHING HAS CHANGED; the water in Flint is still unusable.
Will try to get these done by sundown. More To-Do tomorrow…
–Michael Moore
Moore continued with a list of ways that America can fix the broken electoral process:
“1. Eliminate the Electoral College — popular vote only.
2. Paper ballots only — no electronic voting.
3. Election Day must be made a holiday for all — or held on a weekend so more people vote.
4. All citizens, regardless of any run-ins with the criminal ‘justice’ system, must have the right to vote.”
Moore is saying something that many liberals have been asking themselves throughout every single presidential election. Why do we not just count everyone’s votes and determine a winner that way? Why the confusing electoral votes, and why are elections held in the middle of the week, when people have to work?
On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots. If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they choose. Even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would still be counted, they would simply pay a small fine - which we can be sure Clinton supporters will be glad to pay!
We are calling on the Electors to ignore their states' votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton. Why?
Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.
Secretary Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and should be President.
Hillary won the popular vote. The only reason Trump "won" is because of the Electoral College.
But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?
There is no reason Trump

Wow! Our petition calling on the Electoral College to cast ballots for Hillary Clinton surpassed FOUR MILLION signatures yesterday. It's the most popular petition of all time on change.org, and the fastest growing ever. And it's getting plenty of…

First Lady Michelle Obama MOST POWERFUL SPEECH against ...

Progress is on the ballot | Hillary Clinton

Quotes Tyranny

Quotes - Tyranny

Tyranny anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere.
Alex Storozynski

The contest for all ages has been to rescue Liberty from the grasp of executive power.
Daniel Webster

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson

The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.
Thomas Jefferson

The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.
James Madison

Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedoms of people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.
James Madison

Those in power need checks and restraints lest they come to identify the common good for their own tastes and desires, and their continuation in office as essential to the preservation of the nation.
Justice William O Douglas

Any excuse will serve a tyrant.

Tyranny and anarchy are never far apart.
Jeremy Bentham

Justice without force is important. Force without justice is tyranny.
Blaise Pascal

The concentrating [of powers] in the same hands is precisely the definition of despotic government. It will be no alleviation that these powers will be exercised by a plurality of hands, and not by a single one.
Thomas Jefferson

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many; and whether hereditary, self-appointed or elected - may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.
James Madison

Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth; and let me remind you that they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny.
Barry Goldwater

In order to get power and retain it, it is necessary to love power. Love of power is not connected with goodness but with qualities that are the opposite of goodness - such as pride, cunning and cruelty
Leo Tolstoi

A democratic despotism is like theocracy;

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